“I'm not good enough to write open source.”
Ever catch yourself thinking that? Many of us assume that open source is reserved for brilliant programmers. As an Elixir developer, names like José Valim and Chris McCord quickly spring to mind. I’d like to show you that perhaps there's a lot less standing between you and your first Elixir package than you might think. This talk will demonstrate how to take the leap from individual to open source contributor.
Together, we'll map out each step toward your first package; from wide-eyed idea to one-point-oh release, and everything in-between. Using my new package `Attrition` as an example (https://hex.pm/packages/attrition), you'll learn how Elixir makes it easy to create a new package, thoroughly document its API, and share it with the community. If I can do it, you can—I promise!
Publishing a package of your own not only makes working in Elixir better right now, you'll also build skills to inspire the next generation of developers that they're good enough to write open source too.